The Fast and The Furriest
The Fast and The Furriest race funds Critical Care Companion Animal Fund, aiding pets in urgent need of care.
To learn more, visit our Facebook Page or register here!
Our Mission
The Fast and the Furriest race began in 2012 as a fundraiser to help support the Critical Care Companion Animal Fund. This fund was created to help support families faced with difficult circumstances where pets desperately need emergent or critical veterinary care, but the family cannot provide the care needed because of financial hardships. Clients offered this opportunity must demonstrate need, shown by low income and denied access to a CareCredit card. During this process, however, owners must validate that they provide preventative care for their pets. Once this is demonstrated, a separate committee composed of non-clinic individuals distributes funds to clients who comply with the guidelines and demonstrate need. Once accepted, The Stock Doc Veterinary Services will treat and medicate each disease or problem to their utmost potential and discount services, diagnostics, medications, and treatments. This fundraiser focuses on wellness and health for our pets and our families, as well as great fun, food, and awards. The CCCAF helps pets of all shapes, small or large, and the exotic type! The CCCAF has already helped pets and families in these difficult situations, please help us to do more! Help save a pet’s life. Thank you for all your support!!